If love is realizing that you can not live without a person, what happens when you are not together anymore and you realize that you are still alive? *gasp* Does it mean that you never loved them in the first place?
But then, what should those of us who believe they have loved expect? To fall dead, or be so completely heart broken that we lose the will to be happy and move on with our lives? Is this not what fairy tales gone bad are made of?
When you are in a relationship with someone and they make you so happy that you tell yourself you will not be able to live without them because they almost make your life what it is, how do you go on after you two are not together? Especially when you realize that you can breathe and obviously live without this person just fine? Does this mean you never loved them in the first place, even though you were so sure this was the real deal when you two were together? Were you a fool in love? Or, were you just fooled that what you had was love?
Please don't hesitate to leave your opinions, they are greatly appreciated :)
NOW!!! Onto more fun things that do not involve me scratching my head and thinking where I went wrong...
If you are in the mood to wear something simple, defined, and classic, go to Lauren Conrad. (Spring 2009 collection below)

This dress is perfection. The cut, the lenght, the colour. Pure love.

This is what you call "super cute" but it is too short I think, except for the beach of course.

Gorgeous classic dress! Love the navy colour, the cut, and the scoop at the top.
However, if you are in the mood for something edgy, extra, shiny, new, and striped, go to Dolce and Gabbana. (Spring 2009 collection below)

Amazing top...don't know a lot of people who could easily pull off those pants, they look pretty tricky.

Love the high waisted shorts!

This dress screams extra to me!!!

Love classic white and black combo, the striped bring something new to the table.