Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Trust me and I will trust you

Why is it so hard to trust people?
Ok, i can guess what u are think...that it is because your trust has been broken by many in the past and hence you expect it to happen again in the future.
But, would it not be nice if we could forgive and forget, as we should.
And what about the people who have not broken our trust and have not done anything that hurt us. Why are we so quick to assert that they will too, follow the pattern of many previous and current trust breakers?
Can't we simply have faith and TRUST in the idea that maybe, just maybe, this person will not hurt us, or will not break the trust we have established with him or her?
Because, ladies and gents, not every single person we know has or will hurt us. There are very few people we meet in our lives that will not do this, simply because they love us that much, and do not want to find out what will happen if they ever do hurt us. Simply put, they do not want to hurt us nor lose us. Trust me.


Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

trust no one, that's the way I am.

ps. love the dress you are wearing in your side picture.

Ma said...

Thanks for the compliment Jen :D I love going out and I have soooo many dresses, im gona start taking more profile full size pics of them :D

About the trust thing...thats how i am too, but its bad, b/c then when that one person comes around who u can really trust, u wont be able to b/c ur so used to not trusting anyone...that thought scares me.